Comments on "Edit externally" feature

Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at
Wed Dec 2 15:56:16 UTC 2020

On 12/2/20 10:46 AM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> I just remembered this feature exists and it is fun to test it. I have a
> few questions/comments:
> 1. After I exit my text editor, should LyX detect that the process
>     exited and automatically reload and unlock the inset in LyX?
>     Currently I need to manually go to "End Editing Externally".

I don't know any way to do this automatically. Probably there is one, 
but inter-process stuff is not something I really understand.

> 2. It might be nice to show visually that the inset is "locked". Perhaps
>     we could grey it out somehow, and/or put a "lock" symbol on the inset
>     label.

Yes, that's an excellent idea!

> 3. There are problems when the inset has arguments. For example, open
>     the file 'lib/examples/Modules/Rnw_%28knitr%29.lyx'. Edit something
>     in the chunk inset, save, and click on "End Editing Externally".
>     Notice that the "show-off" is now outside of the argument (it was
>     originally in the argument "options"). Should we omit arguments when
>     giving the inset contents to the text editor?

I'll have a look at this case.

> 4. I expected "Edit externally" to show up in the context menu when
>     clicking on the inset label (which currently has "close inset" and
>     "dissolve inset"). Would it make sense to additionally add it there?


> Regardless of the above comments, I was able to use the feature and find
> it useful. Thanks for the work on it! (I think it was Riki?).

The original work was done by Georg. I just adapted it.


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