Comments on "Edit externally" feature

Scott Kostyshak skostysh at
Wed Dec 2 15:46:29 UTC 2020

I just remembered this feature exists and it is fun to test it. I have a
few questions/comments:

1. After I exit my text editor, should LyX detect that the process
   exited and automatically reload and unlock the inset in LyX?
   Currently I need to manually go to "End Editing Externally".

2. It might be nice to show visually that the inset is "locked". Perhaps
   we could grey it out somehow, and/or put a "lock" symbol on the inset

3. There are problems when the inset has arguments. For example, open
   the file 'lib/examples/Modules/Rnw_%28knitr%29.lyx'. Edit something
   in the chunk inset, save, and click on "End Editing Externally".
   Notice that the "show-off" is now outside of the argument (it was
   originally in the argument "options"). Should we omit arguments when
   giving the inset contents to the text editor?

4. I expected "Edit externally" to show up in the context menu when
   clicking on the inset label (which currently has "close inset" and
   "dissolve inset"). Would it make sense to additionally add it there?

Regardless of the above comments, I was able to use the feature and find
it useful. Thanks for the work on it! (I think it was Riki?).

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