Layout list WYSIWYM

Daniel xracoonx at
Mon Aug 17 16:53:53 UTC 2020

On 2020-08-17 18:25, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> On 8/17/20 10:48 AM, Daniel wrote:
>> On 17/8/20 15:49, Pavel Sanda wrote:
>>> On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 09:13:45AM +0200, Daniel wrote:
>>>> I guess you don't like the current Preferences > Editing > Control
>>>> because
>>>> it contains two GUI switches that seem to apply to a single combobox
>>> Indeed.
>>>> I have suggested the formatted combobox a little while ago with
>>>> reasons for
>>>> why it might be a good idea (mainly giving an indication what the
>>>> layout is
>>>> as is done in the work area). Everyone who has responded so far (who
>>>> are not
>>>> too many) was indifferent so far, except for Riki who seemed in
>>>> favor. Maybe
>>>> one could take the non-response of others as indifference.
>>> My interpretation of silence when I encounter it for my proposal on
>>> the list
>>> is either indifference or silent reservation (people don't want to
>>> argue or
>>> don't want to hurt).
>> I think silence on purpose to a proposal is not good. It only leads to
>> people having to guess. Indifference is quite different from
>> reservation and it is important to know.
> Yes, but people have limited time to devote to LyX and sometimes just
> let the discussion play out first. Email can be time consuming. In any
> event, Pavel is right about how we have worked in the past.

Yes, makes sense to wait and see how a discussion unfolds first without 
investing too much time. But should then silence to a proposal 
discourage people from arguing for it?

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