Filenames in xHTML output

Pavel Sanda sanda at
Sat Aug 1 20:20:36 UTC 2020

On Sat, Aug 01, 2020 at 02:31:33AM -0400, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> On 7/29/20 12:20 PM, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > On Sun, Jul 19, 2020 at 09:22:33PM -0400, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> >>> when we export xHTML output, the exported images are in the form
> >>> "incrementnumber_path_to_the_image_imagefilename.png".
> >>>
> >>> I'm strugling with two issues:
> >>>
> >>> - the initial number is unstable - e.g. if you insert new fig in the document
> >>>   all subsequent ones suddenly get +1.  after several exports you get bunch of
> >>>   obsolete files which you need to manually delete after each update.
> >>>
> >>> - the filenames tend to unnecesarily disclose directory structures (from what I
> >>>   see full path, not just relative  used.)
> >>>
> >>> Is there some shortcoming if the filenames were hashes of the pictures
> >>> (or filename+hash so one can still makes sense of the files)?
> >>> It would help with both problems.
> >> I used mangled names just because it was relatively easy to do. We can
> >> change it to whatever we want, I suppose.
> > Attached is the patch that mangles graphic filenames by hashes (sha2 of filename+abs path).
> > It omits counting part as I coud not figure out why we use counting at all.
> >
> > Is there case in which xHTML meaningfully exports two pictures with the same
> > path+name but different counter? (I checked the same file with two different
> > size, but that still exports as a single file).
> I doubt it. As I said, I think I used mangled names because I was lazy
> (in a bad way) and did not think about this case. I'd push as is and see
> if anyone complains. Probably worth a note in the 2.4.0 release notes,
> though.

It's in, we will see, I tested that it does not interfere with latex export
and export of xHTML math images, but who knows what remains...

Another change I have in mind is to provide possibility to export whole xhtml
tree into specified subdirectory so the source tree is not that much polluted
by the xHTML files.


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