[LyX/master] DocBook: ensure that <info>-related insets in the abstract are not generated in the abstract.

Thibaut Cuvelier tcuvelier at lyx.org
Fri Nov 20 17:11:32 UTC 2020

commit 2c6537ff6635cb7e023b284be16705ea2ff87a10
Author: Thibaut Cuvelier <tcuvelier at lyx.org>
Date:   Wed Nov 18 01:51:05 2020 +0100

    DocBook: ensure that <info>-related insets in the abstract are not generated in the abstract.
    This helps generate more conformant DocBook files.
    Also implement wrapper tags for InsetText.
 autotests/export/docbook/svglo.lyx |  215 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 autotests/export/docbook/svglo.xml |   19 +++
 lib/layouts/svglobal3.layout       |    5 +
 src/OutputParams.h                 |    3 +
 src/Paragraph.cpp                  |    2 +-
 src/insets/InsetLayout.cpp         |   22 +++-
 src/insets/InsetLayout.h           |    4 +
 src/insets/InsetText.cpp           |   37 +++++--
 src/output_docbook.cpp             |  135 +++++++++++++++--------
 9 files changed, 381 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)

diff --git a/autotests/export/docbook/svglo.lyx b/autotests/export/docbook/svglo.lyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..397f144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotests/export/docbook/svglo.lyx
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+#LyX 2.4 created this file. For more info see https://www.lyx.org/
+\lyxformat 599
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+\begin_layout Title
+\begin_layout Abstract
+Abstract text.
+\begin_inset Flex Keywords
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+First keyword 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+Second keyword 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\begin_inset Flex PACS
+status open
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+PACS code1 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+PACS code2 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\begin_inset Flex Subclass
+status open
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+MSC code1 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+MSC code2 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\begin_layout Standard
+Your text comes here.
+ Separate text sections with
diff --git a/autotests/export/docbook/svglo.xml b/autotests/export/docbook/svglo.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9615ca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotests/export/docbook/svglo.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- This DocBook file was created by LyX 2.4.0dev
+  See http://www.lyx.org/ for more information -->
+<article xml:lang="en_US" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" version="5.2">
+<subjectset role='pacs'><subject>PACS code1 <!-- \and  -->
+PACS code2 <!-- \and  -->
+more</subject></subjectset><subjectset role='mcs'><subject>MSC code1 <!-- \and  -->
+MSC code2 <!-- \and  -->
+more</subject></subjectset><keywordset><keyword>First keyword <!-- \and  -->
+Second keyword <!-- \and  -->
+<para>Abstract text.   </para>
+<para>Your text comes here. Separate text sections with</para>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/layouts/svglobal3.layout b/lib/layouts/svglobal3.layout
index c65c2a7..7a9083a 100644
--- a/lib/layouts/svglobal3.layout
+++ b/lib/layouts/svglobal3.layout
@@ -83,6 +83,11 @@ InsetLayout Flex:Subclass
 	CopyStyle	Flex:Keywords
 	LatexName	subclass
 	LabelString	"Mathematics Subject Classification"
+	DocBookTag          subject
+	DocBookTagType      paragraph
+	DocBookWrapperTag   subjectset
+	DocBookWrapperAttr  role='mcs'
+	DocBookInInfo       always
 InsetLayout Flex:CRSC
diff --git a/src/OutputParams.h b/src/OutputParams.h
index e64e623..ec94613 100644
--- a/src/OutputParams.h
+++ b/src/OutputParams.h
@@ -376,6 +376,9 @@ public:
 	/// Is the current context a table?
 	bool docbook_in_table = false;
+	/// Should the layouts that should/must go into <info> be generated?
+	bool docbook_generate_info = true;
 	/// Are we generating this material for inclusion in a TOC-like entity?
 	bool for_toc = false;
diff --git a/src/Paragraph.cpp b/src/Paragraph.cpp
index c668f3b..aa6bd30 100644
--- a/src/Paragraph.cpp
+++ b/src/Paragraph.cpp
@@ -3365,7 +3365,7 @@ std::vector<docstring> Paragraph::simpleDocBookOnePar(Buffer const & buf,
 		// If this is an InsetNewline, generate a new paragraph. Also reset the fonts, so that tags are closed in
 		// this paragraph.
-		if (getInset(i) != nullptr && getInset(i)->lyxCode() == NEWLINE_CODE) {
+		if (getInset(i) && getInset(i)->lyxCode() == NEWLINE_CODE) {
 			if (!ignore_fonts)
diff --git a/src/insets/InsetLayout.cpp b/src/insets/InsetLayout.cpp
index c22aea9..dcb863c 100644
--- a/src/insets/InsetLayout.cpp
+++ b/src/insets/InsetLayout.cpp
@@ -91,9 +91,10 @@ bool InsetLayout::read(Lexer & lex, TextClass const & tclass,
@@ -142,6 +143,7 @@ bool InsetLayout::read(Lexer & lex, TextClass const & tclass,
 		{ "decoration", IL_DECORATION },
 		{ "display", IL_DISPLAY },
 		{ "docbookattr", IL_DOCBOOKATTR },
+		{ "docbookininfo", IL_DOCBOOKININFO },
 		{ "docbooksection", IL_DOCBOOKSECTION },
 		{ "docbooktag", IL_DOCBOOKTAG },
 		{ "docbooktagtype", IL_DOCBOOKTAGTYPE },
@@ -491,11 +493,14 @@ bool InsetLayout::read(Lexer & lex, TextClass const & tclass,
 			lex >> docbooktag_;
+			lex >> docbookattr_;
+			break;
 			lex >> docbooktagtype_;
-			lex >> docbookattr_;
+			lex >> docbookininfo_;
 			lex >> docbooksection_;
@@ -638,6 +643,17 @@ docstring InsetLayout::htmlstyle() const
 	return retval;
+std::string const & InsetLayout::docbookininfo() const
+	// Same as Layout::docbookininfo.
+	// Indeed, a trilean. Only titles should be "maybe": otherwise, metadata is "always", content is "never".
+	if (docbookininfo_.empty() || (docbookininfo_ != "never" && docbookininfo_ != "always" && docbookininfo_ != "maybe"))
+		docbookininfo_ = "never";
+	return docbookininfo_;
 void InsetLayout::readArgument(Lexer & lex)
 	Layout::latexarg arg;
diff --git a/src/insets/InsetLayout.h b/src/insets/InsetLayout.h
index 8cc83dd..6f2f3dd 100644
--- a/src/insets/InsetLayout.h
+++ b/src/insets/InsetLayout.h
@@ -154,6 +154,8 @@ public:
 	std::string docbookattr() const { return docbookattr_; }
+	std::string const & docbookininfo() const;
+	///
 	bool docbooksection() const { return docbooksection_; }
 	std::string docbookwrappertag() const { return docbookwrappertag_; }
@@ -295,6 +297,8 @@ private:
 	std::string docbookattr_;
+	mutable std::string docbookininfo_;
+	///
 	bool docbooksection_ = false;
 	std::string docbookwrappertag_;
diff --git a/src/insets/InsetText.cpp b/src/insets/InsetText.cpp
index 9e5f4ac..99ddfee 100644
--- a/src/insets/InsetText.cpp
+++ b/src/insets/InsetText.cpp
@@ -616,16 +616,28 @@ void InsetText::docbook(XMLStream & xs, OutputParams const & rp, XHTMLOptions op
 	InsetLayout const & il = getLayout();
-	if (opts & WriteOuterTag && !il.docbooktag().empty() && il.docbooktag() != "NONE" && il.docbooktag() != "IGNORE") {
-		docstring attrs = docstring();
-		if (!il.docbookattr().empty())
-			attrs += from_ascii(il.docbookattr());
-		if (il.docbooktag() == "link")
-			attrs += from_ascii(" xlink:href=\"") + text_.asString() + from_ascii("\"");
-		xs << xml::StartTag(il.docbooktag(), attrs);
+	// Maybe this is an <info> paragraph that should not be generated at all (i.e. right now, its place is somewhere
+	// else, typically outside the current paragraph).
+	if (!rp.docbook_generate_info && il.docbookininfo() != "never")
+		return;
+	// Start outputting this inset.
+	if (opts & WriteOuterTag) {
+		if (!il.docbookwrappertag().empty() && il.docbookwrappertag() != "NONE" && il.docbookwrappertag() != "IGNORE")
+			xs << xml::StartTag(il.docbookwrappertag(), il.docbookwrapperattr());
+		if (!il.docbooktag().empty() && il.docbooktag() != "NONE" && il.docbooktag() != "IGNORE") {
+			docstring attrs = docstring();
+			if (!il.docbookattr().empty())
+				attrs += from_ascii(il.docbookattr());
+			if (il.docbooktag() == "link")
+				attrs += from_ascii(" xlink:href=\"") + text_.asString() + from_ascii("\"");
+			xs << xml::StartTag(il.docbooktag(), attrs);
+		}
-	// No need for labels that are generated from counters.
+	// No need for labels that are generated from counters. They should be handled by the external DocBook processor.
 	// With respect to XHTML, paragraphs are still allowed here.
 	if (!allowMultiPar())
@@ -637,8 +649,13 @@ void InsetText::docbook(XMLStream & xs, OutputParams const & rp, XHTMLOptions op
 	docbookParagraphs(text_, buffer(), xs, runparams);
-	if (opts & WriteOuterTag && !il.docbooktag().empty() && il.docbooktag() != "NONE" && il.docbooktag() != "IGNORE")
-		xs << xml::EndTag(il.docbooktag());
+	if (opts & WriteOuterTag) {
+		if (!il.docbooktag().empty() && il.docbooktag() != "NONE" && il.docbooktag() != "IGNORE")
+			xs << xml::EndTag(il.docbooktag());
+		if (!il.docbookwrappertag().empty() && il.docbookwrappertag() != "NONE" && il.docbookwrappertag() != "IGNORE")
+			xs << xml::EndTag(il.docbookwrappertag());
+	}
diff --git a/src/output_docbook.cpp b/src/output_docbook.cpp
index fad0658..76d1cdc 100644
--- a/src/output_docbook.cpp
+++ b/src/output_docbook.cpp
@@ -160,11 +160,10 @@ string fontToAttribute(xml::FontTypes type) {
 	// If there is a role (i.e. nonstandard use of a tag), output the attribute. Otherwise, the sheer tag is sufficient
 	// for the font.
 	string role = fontToRole(type);
-	if (!role.empty()) {
+	if (!role.empty())
 		return "role='" + role + "'";
-	} else {
+	else
 		return "";
-	}
@@ -412,10 +411,6 @@ void makeParagraph(
 		OutputParams const & runparams,
 		ParagraphList::const_iterator const & par)
-	// If this kind of layout should be ignored, already leave.
-	if (par->layout().docbooktag() == "IGNORE")
-		return;
 	// Useful variables.
 	auto const begin = text.paragraphs().begin();
 	auto const end = text.paragraphs().end();
@@ -511,7 +506,7 @@ void makeParagraph(
 	//		or we're not in the last paragraph, anyway.
 	//   (ii) We didn't open it and docbook_in_par is true,
 	//		but we are in the first par, and there is a next par.
-	bool const close_par = open_par && (!runparams.docbook_in_par);
+	bool const close_par = open_par && !runparams.docbook_in_par;
 	// Determine if this paragraph has some real content. Things like new pages are not caught
 	// by Paragraph::empty(), even though they do not generate anything useful in DocBook.
@@ -542,10 +537,6 @@ void makeEnvironment(Text const &text,
                      OutputParams const &runparams,
                      ParagraphList::const_iterator const & par)
-	// If this kind of layout should be ignored, already leave.
-	if (par->layout().docbooktag() == "IGNORE")
-		return;
 	// Useful variables.
 	auto const end = text.paragraphs().end();
 	auto nextpar = par;
@@ -648,13 +639,6 @@ ParagraphList::const_iterator makeListEnvironment(Text const &text,
 	auto const end = text.paragraphs().end();
 	auto const envend = findEndOfEnvironment(par, end);
-	// If this kind of layout should be ignored, already leave.
-	if (begin->layout().docbooktag() == "IGNORE") {
-		auto nextpar = par;
-		++nextpar;
-		return nextpar;
-	}
 	// Output the opening tag for this environment.
 	Layout const & envstyle = par->layout();
 	openTag(xs, envstyle.docbookwrappertag(), envstyle.docbookwrapperattr(), envstyle.docbookwrappertagtype());
@@ -741,9 +725,6 @@ void makeCommand(
 		OutputParams const & runparams,
 		ParagraphList::const_iterator const & par)
-	// If this kind of layout should be ignored, already leave.
-	if (par->layout().docbooktag() == "IGNORE")
-		return;
 	// Useful variables.
 	// Unlike XHTML, no need for labels, as they are handled by DocBook tags.
@@ -909,30 +890,77 @@ DocBookInfoTag getParagraphsWithInfo(ParagraphList const &paragraphs,
 } // end anonymous namespace
+std::set<const Inset *> gatherInfo(ParagraphList::const_iterator par)
+	// This function has a structure highly similar to makeAny and its friends. It's only made to be called on what
+	// should become the document's <abstract>.
+	std::set<const Inset *> values;
+	// If this kind of layout should be ignored, already leave.
+	if (par->layout().docbooktag() == "IGNORE")
+		return values;
+	// If this should go in info, mark it as such. Dive deep into the abstract, as it may hide many things that
+	// DocBook doesn't want to be inside the abstract.
+	for (pos_type i = 0; i < par->size(); ++i) {
+		if (par->getInset(i) && par->getInset(i)->asInsetText()) {
+			InsetText const *inset = par->getInset(i)->asInsetText();
+			if (inset->getLayout().docbookininfo() != "never") {
+				values.insert(inset);
+			} else {
+				auto subpar = inset->paragraphs().begin();
+				while (subpar != inset->paragraphs().end()) {
+					values.merge(gatherInfo(subpar));
+					++subpar;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return values;
 ParagraphList::const_iterator makeAny(Text const &text,
                                       Buffer const &buf,
                                       XMLStream &xs,
                                       OutputParams const &runparams,
                                       ParagraphList::const_iterator par)
-	switch (par->layout().latextype) {
-		makeCommand(text, buf, xs, runparams, par);
-		break;
-		makeEnvironment(text, buf, xs, runparams, par);
-		break;
-		// Only case when makeAny() might consume more than one paragraph.
-		return makeListEnvironment(text, buf, xs, runparams, par);
-		makeParagraph(text, buf, xs, runparams, par);
-		break;
-		makeBibliography(text, buf, xs, runparams, par);
-		break;
+	bool ignoreParagraph = false;
+	// If this kind of layout should be ignored, already leave.
+	ignoreParagraph |= par->layout().docbooktag() == "IGNORE";
+	// For things that should go into <info>, check the variable rp.docbook_generate_info. This does not apply to the
+	// abstract itself.
+	bool isAbstract = par->layout().docbookabstract() || par->layout().docbooktag() == "abstract";
+	ignoreParagraph |= !isAbstract && par->layout().docbookininfo() != "never" && !runparams.docbook_generate_info;
+	// Switch on the type of paragraph to call the right handler.
+	if (!ignoreParagraph) {
+		switch (par->layout().latextype) {
+			makeCommand(text, buf, xs, runparams, par);
+			break;
+			makeEnvironment(text, buf, xs, runparams, par);
+			break;
+			// Only case when makeAny() might consume more than one paragraph.
+			return makeListEnvironment(text, buf, xs, runparams, par);
+			makeParagraph(text, buf, xs, runparams, par);
+			break;
+			makeBibliography(text, buf, xs, runparams, par);
+			break;
+		}
+	// For cases that are not lists, the next paragraph to handle is the next one.
 	return par;
@@ -964,6 +992,9 @@ void outputDocBookInfo(
 	// This check must be performed *before* a decision on whether or not to output <info> is made.
 	bool hasAbstract = !info.abstract.empty();
 	docstring abstract;
+	set<const Inset *> infoInsets; // Paragraphs that should go into <info>, but are hidden in an <abstract>
+	// paragraph. (This happens for quite a few layouts, unfortunately.)
 	if (hasAbstract) {
 		// Generate the abstract XML into a string before further checks.
 		// Usually, makeAny only generates one paragraph at a time. However, for the specific case of lists, it might
@@ -971,14 +1002,20 @@ void outputDocBookInfo(
 		odocstringstream os2;
 		XMLStream xs2(os2);
-		set<pit_type> doneParas;
+		auto rp = runparams;
+		rp.docbook_generate_info = false;
+		set<pit_type> doneParas; // Paragraphs that have already been converted (mostly to deal with lists).
 		for (auto const & p : info.abstract) {
 			if (doneParas.find(p) == doneParas.end()) {
 				auto oldPar = paragraphs.iterator_at(p);
-				auto newPar = makeAny(text, buf, xs2, runparams, oldPar);
+				auto newPar = makeAny(text, buf, xs2, rp, oldPar);
+				infoInsets.merge(gatherInfo(oldPar));
 				// Insert the indices of all the paragraphs that were just generated (typically, one).
 				// **Make the hypothesis that, when an abstract has a list, all its items are consecutive.**
+				// Otherwise, makeAny and makeListEnvironment would have to be adapted too.
 				pit_type id = p;
 				while (oldPar != newPar) {
@@ -1009,13 +1046,11 @@ void outputDocBookInfo(
 		xs << xml::CR();
-	// Output the elements that should go in <info>, before and after the abstract.
+	// Output the elements that should go in <info>.
+	// - First, the title.
 	for (auto pit : info.shouldBeInInfo) // Typically, the title: these elements are so important and ubiquitous
 		// that mandating a wrapper like <info> would repel users. Thus, generate them first.
 		makeAny(text, buf, xs, runparams, paragraphs.iterator_at(pit));
-	for (auto pit : info.mustBeInInfo)
-		makeAny(text, buf, xs, runparams, paragraphs.iterator_at(pit));
 	// If there is no title, generate one (required for the document to be valid).
 	// This code is called for the main document, for table cells, etc., so be precise in this condition.
 	if (text.isMainText() && info.shouldBeInInfo.empty() && !runparams.inInclude) {
@@ -1025,8 +1060,14 @@ void outputDocBookInfo(
 		xs << xml::CR();
-	// Always output the abstract as the last item of the <info>, as it requires special treatment (especially if
-	// it contains several paragraphs that are empty).
+	// - Then, other metadata.
+	for (auto pit : info.mustBeInInfo)
+		makeAny(text, buf, xs, runparams, paragraphs.iterator_at(pit));
+	for (auto const * inset : infoInsets)
+		inset->docbook(xs, runparams);
+	// - Finally, always output the abstract as the last item of the <info>, as it requires special treatment
+	// (especially if it contains several paragraphs that are empty).
 	if (hasAbstract) {
 		if (info.abstractLayout) {
 			xs << XMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << abstract;

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